Nurturing Nature


At BestStart Foxton Beach kindy our vision is 'Growing young kaitiaki of the land'. We do this by exploring the natural world around us and bringing it into our everyday activities. 

Recently we have been learning about tiger worms and understanding how to care for them. At first we observed the worms as they wiggled and wriggled. Tamariki asked, 'do they have ears? how do they see? how do they eat and what do they eat?' Working together in this way provides opportunities for learning about the natural world as we explore through hands on experiences and can also become researchers by investigating further to find the answers to our questions. 

Some ways we do this are by having discussions as a group and researching through books. This supports tamariki, to share ideas and use books as tools for literacy and learning. Next we made a home for the tiger worms, together we shredded paper, and placed our fruit peels in the worm farm. Then we gently placed the worms into their new home and watched as they settled in to their new home. Today we revisited the worm farm after lunch. Louie asked 'what has happened to all the food we gave them before?' 'I think they ate it!' said Tulip. 'Is that poo?' asked Mason. 'yuk!' said Louie. Next the children gave the tiger worms fresh peels left over from lunch. Diana explained that the worms will eat the peels and that will leave worm castings that we can use in our kindy garden to grow flowers and vegetables.

At Foxton Beach kindy We are explorers of our natural world, investigating and caring for nature!