October antics
What a busy October we have had, here at BestStart Greenmeadows!!
Our tamariki have had heaps of fun getting amongst our School Holiday Programme, with ‘Messy Monday’, ‘Movie Day’, ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ and so much more. There has been so much joy and laughter throughout the group activities we have shared. We LOVED exploring with our senses on ‘Messy Monday’, squishing the play dough, running our fingers through the oozy gloop, creating explosive volcanoes and getting all wet from the hose in that beautiful Hawke’s Bay sunshine!
Later on in the month, we celebrated ‘Nature Day’, where our tamariki showed respect and care for Papatuanuku (Mother Earth) by going on an excursion over to Anderson Park to pick up rubbish. Some of our whānau joined us, which was really special. We collected some beautiful natural resources to take back too centre on our hikoi (walk) too. Our tamariki have also been taking an interest in our outdoor environment, helping take care of the plants, watering them, cleaning up and learning to be respectful of Papatuanuku and of each other.
Kau mau te wehi! Awesome mahi (work)!