Off to see the moon!
The children in our preschool and prep rooms have had a huge interest in space. We have learnt a lot of interesting facts along our learning journey. As our journey comes to an end a family member informed us of the upcoming exhibition in the local museum all about the moon.
We jumped onto this opportunity to go. We traveled in a bus , which for many this was a first time and an expereince all on its own. We even had our very own astronaut to take us. When we arrived at the exhibit there were a lot of oohs and aahs as we were able to see the moon up close and really see the craters made by the meteors and comets.
We were then able to freely explore and see the real things we have been learning about during our time at preschool. Here at BestStart Cashmere we value making links with our wider community. This was a great opportunity to connect the children s learning with real objects they were able to safely explore.