Online Learning at home

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During these past few weeks of rahui (isolation), we have had the pleasure to interact with whanau in a range of amazing and different ways. The teachers have been interacting with whanau on a regular basis to provide learning ideas and support to all the whanau and children through this time. What an amazing experience it has been too! We have catered learning experiences for each child, according to their interests and using a communicate means that is most convenient for whanau as well. We have also been providing regular mat times and interactive videos for the whanau, the turnout and support has been amazing! 

During this time, our main focus is the mental and holistic well-being of our children and whanau. We have been providing regular interactions so that there has been some consistency in their daily routines and to continue establishing that sense of belonging and learning opportunities. A happy child is a learning child - ensuring that they are comfortable and confident with these changes has really supported their learning and development. Welcome to our Ascot whanau!