Opihi Big Heart Day
On Tuesday the 18th of February BestStart Opihi held a big heart day to support the heart foundations big heart appeal. Tamariki and staff dressed in red and came to preschool ready for an active day of fun. To start the day off we had vege scones in the shape of love hearts and our favourite fruit apples for our morning kai. After kai we got into groups outside ready to start our fun sports and activities. We played tee ball, croquet, bowling, bean bag toss, parachute games, long jump and completed an obstacle course. The tamariki had so much fun and really enjoyed engaging in the different sports and games. After lunch we got the face paint out and tamariki had love hearts painted on their faces. The tamariki decided that teacher Brooke needed her face painted and they decided to help her out with that!
We had such a fantastic day and are so excited to say that we raised $63.10 for the heart foundation.