Opportunities to explore are endless…


Here at BestStart Barrington we believe that children learn a wide range of strategies, skills and knowledge through play, and what better way to learn by exploring and expressing our creative ideas! In the Parera Room which is home to our 3-4 year olds, we provide meaningful and intentional learning opportunities for our tamariki to express, investigate and explore their working theories through a variety of experiences. Our tamariki share a strong passion for all things sensory based, and to foster this strong interest 

Kaiako plan and prepare a vast range of experiences using salt, sand, water, rice, baking materials and utensils that allow and encourage tamariki to explore their creative ideas! With the warmer months upon us we have been exploring through sensory play and using sea creatures, measuring utensils, droppers and water to discover and share our ideas with each other. Tamariki have also been busy enjoying expressing and sharing their creative ideas through art and collage. These fun engaging experiences also allow tamariki to work alongside others and develop their positive social skills by negotiating and sharing the learning space and resources together. 

If sensory exploration and exploring your creativity sounds exciting to you then give BestStart Barrington a call on (03) 926 2948 to arrange a visit and come on down to see all the action. We look forward to hearing from you!