Our BestStart @ Home Programme


At BestStart Te Atatū Peninsula we have been committed to keeping in touch with our tamariki and whānau during lockdown.

We value relationships with tamariki and through regular zoom hui for each room we were able to continue to connect and engage with the tamariki and support their ongoing learning. The hui offered a sense of routine and familiar interaction with their kaiako and their peers, it also supported whānau with activity inspiration.

We established a personal approach with whānau by reaching out individually to discover how we could best support them and their tamariki during this time, we recognise the whānau as first teachers and this encouraged us to provide a wide variety of fun activities, learning ideas, stories, and songs that whānau could include in their home learning and daily at home routines.

In our BestStart@home programme we incorporated aspects of the NZ curriculum, such as, numeracy and literacy rich activities, opportunities to express creativity and celebrating cultural language weeks.

We had a great response from our wider whānau community, they participated and shared their experiences with us and communicated their appreciation and how much their tamariki enjoyed the BestStart@home programme.