Our body project
Learning about our body began when our tamariki at BestStart Harrison Street took an interest in Bob. Bob is our large torso model that has moveable parts. The heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, brain and liver can be taken out. The children are learning by fitting Bob back together, where these major body parts sit within our body structure. We are talking about the workings of the brain (how the brain helps you think) and how the heart pumps blood around your body (find the pulse in your neck/wrist)
This has turned into an amazing project in the preschool which has seen children and whanau excited and learning a lot. Living our vision “Growing a Community” has seen many different people from within our wider community support us. We had support from a fellow BestStart Kaiako (who is a body builder), a gymnast, a ballerina and even a Yoga instructor.
This has taught our tamariki about muscles, exercise, dance, healthy food, thus the human body; the children continue to take an interest in this subject. And provides positive reinforcement around our healthy heart award.