Our carpentary table

Today the children had lots of fun at the carpentry table; where they got to measure and make dots with pencils to where they wanted to hammer in the nails. The children showed a lot of patience when working on their blocks but at the same time enjoyed doing it. It was so nice to see the children waiting for their turns and following rules of the carpentry area.

Through this learning experiences the children are:

- learning to gain increasing control over their bodies, hand–eye coordination, manipulative skills and muscular strength - learning to solve problems - understanding length, size, balance and force - learning to observe, predict and experiment - learning to share and cooperate with others.

When it comes to children using tools, safety is the main concern. The tamariki had to follow simple rules such as wearing shoes, wearing eye protectors and ear muffs (if need be) and most importantly there can be only be 2 to 3 children at the carpentry table.

Where to next? We will slowly get the children to do tinkering.