Our connection with nature

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In the Koru room at BestStart Alexandra, we're fostering a connection to our planet by immersing ourselves in nature. 

Nature has the ability to improve physical and mental health. To develop flexibility and gross motor skills. To nurture life long dispositions like resilience, risk taking and social skills, all whilst fostering earth nurturing values for a more sustainable future.  

Recently our beautiful town in Central Otago was blessed with some snow on a beautiful spring day!! We enjoyed watching the snow fall from the window and couldn't wait to get outside in it - although some of us found it a bit cold on our hands (especially our children who are learning to walk) , and others enjoyed having a taste test!

Riding the bikes was fun to see tracks being formed behind us, and we had to practice walking slowly and with care as the ground was slippery in places!

What a fun sensory and tactile learning experience!

Our youngest tamariki (four months olds) also enjoy spending time outside under the nearby trees, listening and watching our trees and the local bird life, while our more mobile toddlers discover new experiences and ways to interact with Papatuanuka every day.