Our daily catchup!

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Our Tui room teachers have been busy engaging our tamariki and whānau through story park and zoom meetings during this level 4 lockdown period.

We start by greeting and giving the children an opportunity to show Kaiako and their peers all the wonderful things they have been doing at home. We spend some time having a catchup with whānau and tamariki before starting our mat time.

We start the mat, discussing what day is it today, what date is it today and what the weather looks like outside. We ask the children to have a peek outside through the window and tell everyone what they think the weather looks like.

Each day the teacher’s do a mat time. These mat times run very much like the mat times we do at the centre. We also read a story that is familiar to the children which they can relate to.

We then play a magnetic game and ask the children to join in, as they are very familiar with these games. These games are usually about shapes, colours, and counting. These games provide the children an opportunity to develop their early literacy in a fun way. We call out the shapes and colour in English and Te Reo Māori.  

Kaiako also post videos of them singing, dancing and reading stories for the children to revisit whenever they need to. The week leading up to Father’s Day, we did stories and art ideas related to Father’s Day.

Our Kaiako are available online to talk with whānau anytime should they need any support.