Our Infant and Toddler Philosophy at BestStart Glenfield

8 April, 2024
BestStart Glenfield
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At BestStart Glenfield, our Infant and Toddler philosophy is influenced by RIE. The main principle of RIE is respect and growing respectful relationships with both the tamariki and whānau. As part of our day-to-day practice, we show trust and we trust our tamariki to be eager to learn and initiate what they are ready for. 

We carefully observe so we develop a relationship that allows us to understand the infant’s communication and needs. As a way of developing these respectful relationships, we follow primary caregiving. This is when your babies will have one kaiako as their main caregiver and work with you to follow the infant’s routine. As part of our philosophy, we do not put children into positions they can’t get out of themselves so we will feed children on our knees until they can sit by themselves. 

These care moments are great opportunities to strengthen the bond between infants and primary Kaiako. We also offer uninterrupted play and freedom to explore. Instead of trying to teach the babies new skills, we appreciate what babies are actually doing and learning for themselves in that moment. Our role is to create an environment where the tamariki can best do all the things they would do and want to do naturally. 

We believe that infants are more comfortable and freer to move when placed on their backs rather than their tummy. When our infant tamariki are on their back they are able to make eye contact with their caregiver, and they are free and available to discover. Their necks are relaxed and able to move to follow their caregiver and other tamariki movements, their backs are also supported with a full range of motion. The infant’s legs are able to lift, kick, and move from side to side.

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