Our Kauri Treaty in Action


Our Kauri Room tamariki have been working hard on developing and demonstrating our classroom Treaty values within their play and learning. Values such as manaakitanga, aroha, and becoming a kaitiaki are important to us all here as these are reflected through our centre philosophy, curriculum, and the learning opportunities provided to all our tamariki. 

Learning how to play and work alongside others, negotiate, problem solve and form positive relationships are all skills and strategies each child will develop, strengthen and take with them throughout their whole learning journey. Te Whāriki emphasizes the holistic development of children and recognizes their rights to be respected, valued, and nurtured. Having a treaty specifically for our older tamariki reinforces these principles and promotes positive relationships, inclusivity, and empathy within early childhood education.

Some important aspects of our Treaty are; Establishing a positive learning environment, promoting social and emotional development, encouraging autonomy, decision-making and strengthening relationships and community. Our classroom Treaty, linked to Te Whāriki, helps create a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters the holistic development of children. It instills essential values, promotes positive relationships, and empowers children to become confident, respectful, and socially responsible individuals. 

We hope you've enjoyed this blog as it highlights our Kauri Treaty values!