Our loose parts collection

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Here at BestStart Riverbend Rd the Tamariki just love to explore and be creative with loose parts. Our loose parts collection is currently made up of a range of natural resources, building materials, pipes, and cardboard tubes, and we even have some wooden rounds from the trees across the road that can be used anywhere in our outdoor environment. 

Loose parts provide a multitude of opportunities that can spark children's imagination and creativity.  Our tamariki have been very creative lately making see-saws, laying pipes in the sandpit to carry water, cooking up feasts next to the 'campfire', and experimenting with weight, volume, length, and size. 

Loose parts play also supports relationship building as children engage in negotiating and collaborating when sharing their thoughts and ideas. We love to invite whānau to add resources to our collection while also seeking out items in our local community, what may be junk to you is a creative treasure to our children the limits are endless.