Our love for language
During the infant and toddler years our children are at a pivotal part of their learning journey in regards to speech and language development.
At the beginning of 2020 we saw a massive interest in literacy and numeracy in our under 2's room. It all started with an interest in reading books, listening to music, counting together and singing songs in the different languages of our children. Our older children were also using a lot of words in English and their home languages. Our teachers saw this as an opportunity to delve into the world of literacy and numeracy for our infant and toddler group.
The teachers in the room created a planned curriculum for the infants and toddlers to have a variety of literacy and numeracy experiences to allow them to explore a range of verbal and non-verbal communication that supports their learning and development.
To support this the teachers set up family/dramatic play in both the indoor and outdoor areas for the children to engage in role play, pretend play and imaginary play. Teachers sing waiata, read books and use picture cards at mat time. To share this learning with our whanau the teacher recorded the words or sentences that the children speak during the day to extend their language skills and create new mat time resources to extend the new vocabulary for both infants and toddlers.