Our Masterpiece


The Beaded Tree was an activity for building relationships while engaging children in making delightful gifts for our branches. This was all about building positive and meaningful relationships and became a place to relax and enjoy each other's company. The levels of engagement were deep and children grew their vocabulary naturally during this inquiry work. A key component of this popular child activity is repetition. As we repeat something, our brain starts to get used to it and understand it. Neural pathways require repetition to remain permanent. As a result of this repetition, the children's fine motor skills improved dramatically.

Completing a threading activity also requires the child to use their small hand and finger muscles to manipulate the objects into place and move them around in a controlled manner. It is necessary to have good eye-hand coordination and strong concentration when threading the bead. This became a Community shared activity, with our families contributing to our masterpiece before showcasing it to other families at the Centre.