Our Matariki Celebration Dinner
Our tamariki have been busy and doing some amazing mahi in preparation for our Matariki dinner. We have been learning the Aotearoa National Anthem in Te Reo, English and Sign. These are the 3 official languages of Aotearoa.
They have learnt the Matariki macarena and Tu tuira mai nga. They made telescopes that sparkled, they contributed to our huge wall display which was amazing and we made some delicious vegetable soup which our whanau helped to provide. We acknowledged the maunga, ngahere, awa, moana, whenua and tangata whenua which surrounds us.
Our tamariki connected with the mahi they were doing as we made it all about what they know for example using the characters in the puu rakau Litte Kiwi's Matariki to place on the maunga and in the ngahere. They practiced so hard to be ready for their Matariki performance for their whanau, we shared an amazing Matariki night with our whanau and had a huge hakari (kai) afterwards. It was such a special night enjoyed by all!