Our Matariki Event


Here at BestStart Milson Line, we recently celebrated Matariki (Maori New Year). This is a special time for people to connect and celebrate being a part of New Zealand culture. It is a time to connect beyond the classroom, sharing stories, laughter and experiences. 

Parents learned about the unique bonds their children have formed with their peers, and teachers reveled in seeing children thrive outside the academic setting. Leading up to our Matariki celebration, children and teachers engaged in learning opportunities to find out more about each of the nine Matariki stars and how each of these stars connect to a Māori atua or guardian. Families engaged in various activities which included lantern making, getting creative by designing their own stars, sharing their future aspirations and planting seeds for our centre garden. We also enjoyed a traditional hangi and fry bread as well as our centre families sharing a dish from their home. 

For term three we will be holding our first parent/teacher interviews. This will be an opportunity for teachers and parents to work together to create a learning plan to reflects the dreams and hopes for their children. If you would like an opportunity to see how we can support your child's learning and development, we welcome you to make an appointment and visit our centre.