Our Matariki Whanau event

At Beststart Lynmore we love to celebrate Matariki (the Maori New Year) because it is such a special event in Maori culture.

This helps to strengthen our relationships and partnerships with the tamariki, whanau, and communities, which brings a sense of belonging to Beststart Lynmore.

As the twinkling stars of Matariki rise in the winter sky, this is a time for people to come together, remember their ancestors, share kai, sing, and tell stories.

This year we held a special event for our whanau to come and celebrate with us at Lynmore. We planned experiences, which related to each Matariki star, for our whanau and tamariki to get involved.

What an amazing turnout we had last Friday for Our Matariki Whanau event. A big thank you to all our amazing whanau and families who came out to celebrate.

The tamariki were all excited to be able to share in this special occasion with their whanau and loved being able to sing some of our Matariki songs that they had been practicing over the last month. They have also loved being involved in so many of our Matariki activities that contribute to this special occasion, including making the Matariki biscuits, soup, clay necklaces, planting, Matariki artwork, and more!