Our month of May and celebrations- Kenderdine

Our month of May and celebrations- Kenderdine

Welcome to the month of May, another busy month for all our tamariki, kaiako and whanau. We have lots to celebrate this month including Mother’s Day and Grandparents day.

The teachers have been doing various activities to support children’s interests and learning outcomes in exploration and physical play. The children got involved in story time, music, making cards for their moms and grandparents, making cookies for Mother’s Day, singing songs and making play dough.

They also celebrated Mother’s Day and Grandparents day this month. Plunket appeal week and Samoan language week are coming up, and our team will provide more related activities to support children’s literacy skills and to learn about other cultures. All these activities support children’s creativity skills and also encourage children to learn about their own culture and others. 

In other rooms, children are showing diverse interests but are really keen on sensory activities and strengthening their relationships. We are looking forward to seeing more happening moments with our children and whanau and lovely mommies and grandparents for celebrating their special days. 

Celebration is very important to all our tamariki and their whanau. As Te Whaariki says, Children experience an environment where connecting links with their families and the world are affirmed and extended.