Our new Big Kids Programme
At BestStart Dixon Road we have begun our Big Kids programme. This programme will run termly every Tuesday and Wednesday for an hour each morning for children who are heading to Primary School.
During this time, children will be introduced to different topics each week.These topics will be based around the learning areas of numeracy, literacy, science and art. So far, our children have learnt how to write the first four letters of the alphabet and have now moved onto learning and recognizing the numbers 1-5 with our recent activity. We read about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. During this activity children are learning about counting and the days of the week. We used questions such as "How many oranges did he eat on Friday?" or "how many things did he eat on Sunday?" and "what day did he eat the plums?". The children really enjoyed this activity, we look forward to building on this in the next session.
Not only are they developing their academic knowledge but are also strengthening their independence, social skills, listening skills by following simple instructions, communication skills and being able to understand and retell stories.