Our new Playground arrangement

Our new Playground arrangement

At Best Start Porchester this month, we have some changes in our playground. 

The centre now has three playgrounds. The babies' room always has their own space for play; however, now toddlers and preschool have their own different playgrounds. The top playground is designated for toddlers, and the bottom playground caters for preschool children.   

After Separation, the two spaces allow for a good visual connection between the two age groups. Both playgrounds incorporated Natural play opportunities, sensory play, challenge, and exploratory play. 

Both spaces have their own natural resources, offering challenges, space, and children's inclination to explore and discover.

Both playgrounds give inviting, flexible, and low-maintenance spaces with numerous play options for our children to enjoy and foster their learning at the Best Start Porchester.

Our New structured playgrounds are helping children to develop connections and respect for Nature by planting and gardening during play. 

Both playgrounds provide a safe and challenging environment where confidence and learning are reinforced. Our playgrounds are suitable for play in any weather condition because surfaces are ideal for toddlers and preschool children to run around.

The design of our playgrounds is modern, simple, and innovative, allowing children to access all areas of the ground where our children are free to use their creativity.