Our park adventure
Today the Huia Iti whanau, our smallest members at BestStart Wolverton Street, went out to explore our community and our local park. It was a great adventure! They were able to share each other’s company and explore some of the world outside the centre and their home.
During the excursion to the park our infants were able to learn about keeping themselves safe when walking near a road, holding hands to ensure we all stayed together and safe and looking and listening to traffic. Our walking toddlers were given the opportunity to take turns of walking holding a teacher’s hand, whilst others rode in our amazing push chairs. There was lots of excitement, curiosity and singing along the way! While they were at the park our Huia Iti whanau enjoyed the fresh air, watched small birds, searched for insect and shared a yummy morning tea picnic.
There were lots of discussions, pointing, laughing and for our tamariki who are not yet verbal they were able to use their non-verbal gestures to show their teachers and peers what they were seeing, along with their excitement. There were some tired little feet when we arrived back at the centre and we were right on time for lunch and then a big sleep.
It was a wonderful experience for the children and teachers; an experience full of wonder and joy and certainly one we will revisit again very soon.