Our Pet Apple Snails


In the Rainbow classroom, we believe in the power of class pets to bridge the gap between school and home life, nurturing empathy and responsibility in our young learners. Caring for our classroom pets offers invaluable lessons in understanding needs, developing emotional connections, and sharing experiences with both classmates and family members.

Our classroom is home to a variety of pets, including snails, which provide endless opportunities for exploration and learning. Recently, our observant children noticed an empty shell in our snail tank, sparking a sense of curiosity and excitement. Gathering around the tank, we embarked on a quest to locate the missing snail. Though the snail remained elusive, this moment presented a unique opportunity to examine the intricacies of its shell, feeling the ridges and bumps with gentle curiosity.

As we observed our living snails, we embarked on a journey to understand their anatomy and behavior. Discussions ensued about the purpose of the operculum, the protective flap on the base of their shell, and we explored their natural habitats and essential care needs. Through korero (discussion), mahi (work), and engaging lessons, our children immersed themselves in the captivating world of these small, shelled creatures.

This exploration not only deepened our understanding of snail care but also instilled a sense of responsibility and empathy in our young learners. Empathy, a cornerstone of emotional intelligence, plays a vital role in children's development by fostering understanding, compassion, and respectful communication. By caring for our classroom pets and learning about their needs, our children are not only cultivating empathy but also building essential life skills that will serve them well in their journey towards becoming compassionate and inclusive members of society.