Our Philosophy In Action

Be Strong like Tawhirimatea God of Winds and Storms

• Enhance children’s knowledge and understanding of how the natural environment promotes a healthy lifestyle

• Strong reciprocal relationships with children, parents, extended whanau and the wider community especially through the use of StoryPark in the classroom for children to make connections with wider whanau.

• Supportive environment is provided to help children cope with challenging situations and foster self regulation skills building resilience in every child

• Strong focus on supporting children to become independent

Stand Tall like Tanemahuta – God of Trees and Forests

• Offer children endless opportunities to think, reason, theorise and problem solve through a variety of mediums

• Encourage children to be active participants

• Protect and support the bicultural aspects of our natural world

• Be proud and knowledgable of our heritage and connections to Papatuanuku and Rangimarie

Be Brave like Tu – God of War

• Provide an environment where children can take risks, explore and participate

• Support children’s decision making and problem solving theories

• Promote children’s natural respect for themselves, their peers and the wider community – It’s ok to speak up

• Acknowledge, encourage and support children’s amazing problem solving skills, watching and supporting alongside a child before stepping in to “fix” something

Monkey Around like Maui

• Inspire children’s love for creative learning

• Fun laughter and the true enjoyment of spending time with others is celebrated daily

• Teachers understand that children learn best through varied and vast learning opportunities and experiences, that often involve little to no adult interaction.

Be Unique like Papatuanuku – Mother of the Earth

• Make links between home, the community and other classrooms wherever possible

• Appreciate we all have challenging days and sometimes extra support, kindness and love are needed to make it through the day

• Every child is an individual and together we create a diverse community of learners

• Parents aspirations, needs, wants and family values are up held and respected by all staff

• There is mutual respect between children’s home and the centre understanding the parents know their child best

• Every child has their own unique whanau culture and this is celebrated and supported in the centre

Be Happy like Rongo – God of Peace

• Ensure children have space, time and flexibility of the routine and teachers to achieve their desired learning outcomes

• Every learning journey is celebrated – be it mastering climbing the highest “A Frame” in the playground or waving out the window with a big smile for the first time as Mum and Dad leave – Happiness and success is worth celebrating

• Teachers appreciate the important and enjoyable responsibility of educating and caring for the children entrusted to them daily.