Our plunket appeal efforts
Our centre believes in supporting community and giving back to the people in our surroundings. We were participating in fundraising for Pluket from 15th to 19th March 2021.
Plunket is a charity and Aotearoa’s largest support service for the health and wellbeing of tamariki under-five and their whānau. We were involved in variety of learning opportunities for our children to create special creative artworks and things for fundraising. The children were baking with the teachers and learning about measuring, weight, mixing, sharing, and understanding the concept of selling their creations. The artworks were made by children such as blue bear collage, photo frames, paintings which provided a new avenue of creativity and imagination. The blue bear was a famous concept amongst children as it represents the cause of plunket support.
Finally, the day arrived for bake sale and art sale which was the most special time for children and teachers to showcase their creations. The parents and the extended families of Best Start Lambie Drive were generous and donated with whole heart. The small donation boxes kept at the reception were an area of attraction as children loved to donate the coins and notes with their parents. The children kept coming back with more coins from car and the donation continues for long time, so we had to extend it to next week. We made a great collection and donated all to Plunket for their good work and awhina of our tamariki.