Our Preschool Bubble

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We are back! After spending some time at home, our returning children are ready to play, learn and reconnect at BestStart Dublin Street. 

Our returning tamariki have so much energy and enthusiasm we have been a busy little bubble. We have spent most of our time outside, as our children are excited to have so much space again. We have been focused on exercising both our gross motor skills and social skills. 

Our children have also missed our pets! We welcomed 2 new guinea pigs to our family just before lockdown and the children have been wondering how they have been doing. Of course, during level 4 the teachers took care of them but now our tamariki can help too. One of our philosophy values is Whanaungatanga. Tamariki alongside Kaiako have been feeding our animals, learning about what they like and how we can respect and care for them.

Welcome back to Little Taniwha, we hope our community is doing well and keeping safe. We can’t wait until it is safe for more of our tamariki to return to preschool.  Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou - Seek knowledge for the sake of your wellbeing