Our pumpkin weigh in
We love a good challenge, especially when it comes to giant pumpkins, and last Novemeber we sold pumpkin seeds to the community to enter a pumpkin growing competition with us. Our families and a few community families joined in and it blew up bigger than we ever expected. Today was the final weigh in and what a show! The winner (our kindy entry) was 42.5kg, one of our families (the Nortons) came second at 42kg and I'm pleased to say a community member, Zac came 3rd. We also had the icecream truck turn up for refreshments. Our objective was offer our children and the community something unique that links with our vision of 'growing and nurturing the kaitiaki of the future. We sure did that and we are definitely doing it next year. Thank you so much to Mr Kool, Siteworx Foxton and everyone who came.