Our remote learning journey
Although we're in lockdown, the kaiako (teachers) at Beststart Silverstream have remained very busy engaging with all our our wonderful whānau (families) and tamariki (children). Each day, our amazing kaiako (teachers) are presenting amazing ideas to share with our whanau we have had stories, live music and movement sessions, sensory experiences - such as chocolate playdough - and even an Easter sign language session! Challenging times prove time and time again how amazing our little community is. We are all missing those key interactions with one another, whether it be a conversation or a hug from a loved one - for our precious tamariki, seeing a smiling face reading their favourite story, or seeing a teacher do a silly dance is supporting fundamental connections and relationships to continue to flourish. This opportunity has allowed us all to learn about the amazing opportunities for online learning! Keep safe and be kind - there is a light at the end of the tunnel.