Our resilient tamariki

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At BestStart New Lynn, we have been quite busy for the month of May as we welcomed back many of our tamariki and their families at Level 2.

During the weeks of lockdown and a few weeks after we kept the connection for our tamariki via daily online learning sessions.  The return to centre and the happiness that was shared is evidence of amazing reunions and friendships (Whanaugatanga). It has been so lovely too see how resilient  they are as they all quickly settled back and adopted to the ritual and routines of the centre environment.

To celebrate the big reunion we had a Bike day which was super exciting for tamariki. Children were invited to bring along their bikes, helmets, scooters or any wheels to the centre. There was a lot of kindness as children shared their biked with other children. Communication around big bikes and smaller bikes and training wheels. There were many opportunities to learn about road rules and obeying signs, keeping safe by wearing helmets and it was all round a fun day.