Our RIE Philosophy Inspired Nursery


Our nursery is RIE inspired. The kaiako/teachers are passionate about implementing the Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) philosophy of Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler.

Two aspects of this philosophy we are most passionate about and implement in our daily practice, are Freedom of Movement and Respect.

Freedom of Movement means only putting a child into a position that they are free to move out of and can explore the environment around them openly and independently.

Magda Gerber sums it up perfectly …. “When our infants are free to develop motor abilities without artificial aid or the restriction of baby apparatuses, they progress independently and confidently in their own unique way. The biggest challenge for parents is also one of the biggest gifts we can bestow on a child: waiting for readiness.”

“We believe that the infant should be able to move and explore freely, to choose and change his own body position, to come and go as he wants — within the safe and challenging environment we create.” – Magda Gerber, Dear Parent – Caring For Infants With Respect.

Watching an infant and toddler progress through the stages of both gross and fine motor development in an independent way, at their own pace is one of the most delightful things to observe and support as a teacher and a parent.

Respect for the infant and toddler, for ourselves and for the whānau and families is another component of the RIE philosophy the Nursery team are passionate advocates of. We are responsive to the needs of the child and the family. We take the time to get to know you and how we can best support you and your child during your time in the Nursery. We provide daily feedback and communication, using a variety of mediums to ensure you are kept up to date and involved in your child’s development and learning. We also respect where each child is at and support them at their own level and pace of development. We take the time to observe their interests and provide a programme of planned experiences and provocations that invite your child to explore and enrich their interests and dispositions.

Book a visit and come in today to see us in action!