Our South Otago High School friends
BestStart Balclutha have a special relationship with our local high school, South Otago High School. As a part of their study we have had several visits from the class working on their credits through studying ECE.
This relationship includes, a student whose mum is a kaiako at our centre, a high school kaiako whose tamariki attends our centre and many other wonderful connections. Beautiful community links.
It was brilliant to see our tamariki come running to say "hi" and engage with the students and it was very awesome how the students embraced this experience. Not only interacting with tamariki but questioning kaiako, to further their understanding and knowledge.
Our tamariki were very appreciative of the poi they were gifted, made by the students as a part of their studies.
ECE is very lucky if these are the kaiako of the future.