Our Special Mat time

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At Beststart Kensington Crossing we have some pretty cool mat times but today we had a special guest from the library named Glen. He led the tamariki in action songs, introduced us to his robot, and read the tamariki a story. 

The robot showed us some awesome dance moves and the tamariki showed the robot some of their own awesome dance moves. Next, Glen read to the tamariki a story called "The Colour Monster", it had amazing pop-up art and used different media. The tamariki were transfixed with the pictures as they exploded out of the page in detail and color. The synopsis is one day, and Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. 

His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad, and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through color. At the end of the story, the color monster has calmed down and has made room for a new color (pink), one to blossom…love! As this adorable monster learns to sort and define his mixed-up emotions, he gains self-awareness and peace as a result. 

This is a great book to open up a conversation about emotions and explore how a child feels when they experience each one mentioned. These mat times are a great way for the tamariki to develop lifelong learning of literacy as well as make connections with our local community.