Our wondeful Tikitapu (under 2) space

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Welcome to our Tikitapu room at BestStart Pukuatua. This room is designed for our under two year olds with their care, comfort, development, and needs in mind. 

Our youngest tamariki are provided with routines that work for them. We get to know and understand how the whanau work at home and we can do the same here at the centre to help our precious babies adjust and feel like we are a home away from home. Throughout the day they are provided with experiences that they can learn from, grow from, have fun with, and getting messy is all part of the learning process. 

Paint, gloop, playdough, and outside play makes up a day filled with fun and learning. The outdoor area is designed with just our smallest people in mind. They are challenged to climb, balance, and walk along bridges all while being safe and supported along the way. 

Here at Best Start Pukuatua, we support all our tamariki to create their own pathway of learning. This starts from the Tikitapu room by allowing our babies to choose their own toys, allowing them space and time to sit, and listen, helping them to play, learn, and explore the environment around them. 

Nau Mai Heare Mai, come and see this caring, warm space for yourself.