Our wonderful 2 year olds

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Scissor skills and cutting activities help develop our fine motor skills, in particular the muscle strength and dexterity in our hands.  Like every area within our milestones, the activity helps us not only develop skills in this area but many other underlying skills that influence us in our early years. 

In addition to fine motor skills, cutting activities help develop our bilateral coordination and visual motor integration. This involves using both sides of our body, one hand to hold the paper while the other holds the scissors. It also requires the brain to communicate between the hand and the eyes. Whether it is paper or cutting the playdough into small pieces, it is always an enjoyable activity to repeat the learning. It is opportunities like this that help us develop our These are all 'Before School' that help us on our journey during our time at BestStart Pukuatua. 

This aligns with the belief our teachers have for us which is to be an explorative and independent 2-year-old and the best thing is....knowing we did it!