Our Young Picassos

Our Tamariki have been busy getting creative over the past month creating these amazing art works to show their Whanau. Each room choose a different concept for their canvas and set to work. Things got a little messy especially in the babies room which made the learning even more fun. Each child had their photo taken while they were hard at work to display next to their creation. All the children's Whanau were invited to join us to for the art exhibition and a sausage sizzle. It was such a special time watching the children proudly showing off their works of art and the parents loved seeing what their child had created and the picture of them creating it. everyone was then able to sit and chat with each other while enjoying a yummy sausage in bread. Holding events like this provides the our Whanau with the opportunity to spend time together within the centre and helps to build stronger relationships as a community. Through events like this we are able to weave the strands of Te whariki into our Curriculum. As Te whariki States -children and their families experience an environment where: connecting links with the family and the wider world are affirmed and extended they know that they have a place.