People who help us


We have a Reggio Focus at BestStart Rongotai and one of the projects we have been working on is about People who help us. Our tamariki have been really enjoying our project so far. For one of our friends' birthdays we had a special visitor; our very own local road traffic pirihimana/police officer. 

In the morning before his visit, we had a korero/ discussion during wā hui/mat time about what police officers do.  It was very interesting hearing our tamariki responses who talked about "put baddies in jail" or "take people to jail". "Is that all they do?" we probed further. One of our tamariki suggested, "they help people."  This gave us food for thought as we thought about this through the day and then we presented our korero to our Pirihimana when he came to see us.  He then was able to tell us a bit more about what he does which involved a lot more than catching "baddies" haha! He even radioed in a special birthday message for our birthday boy which was a lovely treat.  And of course, a pirihimana visit wouldn't be complete without the customary sit in the motoka pirihimana (police car)! Our next visit will be to our local fire station to see how they help us in our community.