Plunket Preschool Education Sessions
Over the last couple of months at BestStart Melling, we have been having visits from Plunket nurse Melissa. The visits are educational sessions for the children about looking after ourselves which has fitted perfectly into our programme planning of ‘What is special to me’.
The previous two sessions Melissa has covered a range of topics with the tamariki including hygiene around germs and hand washing and more recently what foods are good for us and how to keep our teeth and mouths clean. With her visits Melissa has brought with her a range of props to capture children’s attention and keep them engaged. The giant replica of teeth was a great hit with the children, and this gave us the opportunity to look at teeth from all angles and learn about the importance of brushing our teeth. This also coincided with us visiting the orthodontist. All this learning has encouraged the children to practice brushing their teeth.
From all of us here at BestStart Melling, we all thank you Melissa and Plunket for making these sessions available to us and making the time to come and visit us. We look forward to you visiting us again!!