Practical Life prep
Within our 0-3 casa at BestStart Montessori Taradale, we are constantly looking for ways to improve learning outcomes for all our tamariki. Having a mixed aged group where the youngest is currently 12 months old and the oldest 3 years old means we have to think about how to make our learning environment inviting and stimulating for everyone.
In light of this, we have set up a Practical Life area outside under the veranda for the older children. This area now includes wet and dry pouring and spooning activities to help our older tamariki prepare for the practical life activities they will encounter when they eventually transition into the 3-6 casa.
We are also working on skills like carrying a tray, working at the table with our friends, cleaning up spills and returning our work to the shelf ready for the next person to use. The children have been very excited by having their own "special shelf" and they are now coming in asking for me to open it up for them in the morning so they can get started.
The younger tamariki are redirected away from this area, but still get to do spooning and pouring at an age-appropriate level in the sandpit, and there are lots of practical life activities for them inside as well. We have a very busy casa at moment and everyone is happy, settled and busy in Casa di Amici.