Preschool Schemas


From the preschool rooms last group focus of maths Kaiako noticed many emerging interests for nga tamariki and so many of them linked to schemas-based play. Counting and sequencing sparked may new concepts for nga tamariki and we saw some amazing mahi because of it. Schematic play happens when tamariki are involved in repeated actions or certain behaviours as they explore the world around them and try to find out how things work. We call these specific actions or behaviours ‘Schemas’. 

Many whanau noticed their child doing the same at home! How did we make this meaningful? Creativity and Enclosing Schema, Kaiako have been supporting tamariki to think creatively and build their dreams, we have been encouraging children to build with and without a plan in their minds at times to see what we can achieve. 

We noticed nga tamariki making houses and pens for the toy animals etc. Problem Solving and Connecting Schema, Through their constructive play tamariki are developing ideas for what will work and what will not. Trial-and-error is a great skill to learn as it builds persistence. magnetic block were on of the most used resources during this time. This supported the development of Fine Motor Skills and Cooperative Play. We have seen construction play support children’s development to cooperate and work with each other on tasks. This could be something as simple as passing each other bricks or passing buckets to each other. By doing the children are strengthening their social skills social competencies. 

This schemas based plan has been so much fun and taken our play in many directions!