Preschool Supermarket
Here at Beststart St Albans we follow a child led curriculum and let our children have a voice when it comes to what they want to learn about our current interest is creative construction. To extend on this we made our very own supermarket. A lot of our tamariki/children are engaging in imaginative play so this was a great way to bring it all together.
The tamariki stocked the shelves themselves, the older tamariki were great at categorising the food in to their food groups. We recycled the bags our real groceries come in as well. Our supermarket was an instant hit with the shelves going bare faster than we good restock them. Their was a line at the check out which made for a great opportunity to practice our turn taking skills and wait patiently.
The tamariki/children then placed their food at the check out. We had a check out person scanning the food and a packer helping them put the groceries away. What great service! During this experience the tamariki/children were talking about what they could cook with their purchase. I can’t wait to see what adventures these ideas take us on next.