Puanga Celebrations at Pacey Ave and South Road!!
Our tamariki at South Road and Pacey Ave BestStart in Hawera were very busy in June and July getting ready to celebrate Puanga!! We focused on a star each week and unpacked it with tamariki and what that star means to them, to their kaiako and to our whānau. Our art rooms were busy with Puanga art and we focused on collage, painting and drawing! These experiences offered a wide range of learning opportunities with printmaking, pattern making, gluing, cutting with all sorts of glitter! Our rooms are full of beautiful mahi that the tamariki are so proud of! We celebrated Puanga on the 7th July by inviting our whānau to join us for a meal. In the days leading up to our celebration, our tamariki made the soup we would share with our whānau. We had poi making, star making, star beading, face painting and a card matching game to sit down and spend time with our families. Our preschool tamariki sung us a beautiful waiata they had been practicing with their poi all term! A big focus of our puanga celebration was to talk about our up and coming term and our whānau hopes and aspirations for learning. Our wonderful kaiako in the infant room made us whare, so on the night we could write down our aspirations and have them for display in our rooms! We are lucky to have such an amazing and loving whānau!