Q&A with BestStart's National Education Leader

Q&A with BestStart's National Education Leader

Clair Edgeler has spent 30 years in Education and Social Services. Her vision is for every child to receive the best education that meets their learning and development needs, recognising the integral partnership with whānau to achieve this. Recently appointed to the board of the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, Clair is passionate to see every teacher supported in their professional growth and development.  Here, she talks about the ECE sector and her role at BestStart.

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing our sector?

 Right now would be encouraging more people to see early childhood teaching as an amazing profession and want to be part of it!

How are you an advocate for equity?

We know that not every child is achieving all their learning potential so it is important that we continue to grow as a teaching profession to ensure we continue to be effective in how we support learning for every child, working in collaboration with parents and whānau and the wider community.

What changes do you hope to see in ECE? 

That Early Childhood Education is increasingly valued for the rich and positive contribution it makes in the formative years of a child’s life when so much growth is happening and is known to have a significant impact for years to come.

What is your role at BestStart and what does an average day look like for you? 

My role is National Education Leader. Everyday for me is centred on where I can contribute in supporting our teaching teams in their roles through professional learning and development. It is supporting them in their desire to make a positive difference in the lives of the children in their care and to ensure that as a team we do the very best to meet the aspirations that families have for their children.

What do you see as the best thing about teaching New Zealand’s youngest learners? 

Our early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki is an amazing framework with principles strongly founded in the values of relationships, family and community, holistic development and empowerment. When these principles are valued and embraced working with children and families / whānau  is an amazing experience that is so much more than ‘a job’!