Reading Together


Sitting in a quiet spot sharing a book with a new friend is one way our children enjoy pre-literacy skills. Tame and Roxanne are sharing a book together. They have been taking turns to point to different pictures that they see and they are encouraged to use their words to name each picture. At the end of 2022, some of our parents and their children attended the 'Reading Together Early' programme which provided many helpful tips on how to encourage reading from a young age and lots of learning opportunities that encouraged early literacy skills. Reading and pre-reading skills have been one learning priority that we have at BestStart Brooklyn. Reading books is just one activity that supports this literacy learning. As a larger group the children are learning how to care for their books, how to hold them and they are beginning to understand that the written words tell a story or provide information. On a regular basis, the books are changed providing another avenue to support a child’s interest. Both fiction and nonfiction books are provided for the children to read. As a result of this focus, we have started collecting and buying new books so that we can begin our own Brooklyn Library. Each child will receive a book bag and library card and they will be able to borrow books once a week. This will be a highlight of the week for many of our children, I'm sure.