Reflecting and planning
Our tamariki in the Rereroa Preschool Room at BestStart Waitangirua have become interested in our Kaiako planning work so we have invited them to join us and reflect upon their own learning.
The planning starts in the afternoon and as soon as the pictures are placed upon the table alongside Te Whāriki ngātamariki come to table to start their Hui. They look at what has happened over the last planning cycle, talk to their Kaiako and their friends about what has happened and then decide how their learning can be further extended.
Kaiako record the hui and then use the voice of our tamariki to evaluate the previous cycle.
Ngā tamariki not only enjoy looking at their previous learning but are developing skills of reflecting upon their own learning together with developing the language skills that will ensure their success as they move onto school. The video shows this process in action, showing how tamariki are extending their learning experiences to plan and reflect, developing lifelong learning skills.
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngahere. Ko the manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōnā te ao.
The bird that eats the miro berry reigns in the forest. The bird that partakes in education reigns in the world."
The Whakatauki at the end supports the understanding that developing skills at an early age support learning for life.