Refreshing Water Day


Water day is always a firm favourite here at Beststart Totara Street. All the staff get involved and cannot resist a good old fashioned water fight alongside our tamariki. The day was perfect weather wise and such a great way to cool off. 

Our tamariki can experiment and problem solve in their own way, whilst engaging with others, which allows them to use their creativity as well as learn about themselves and how they work through problems that may arise. 

All throughout the day there were pipes, tubes, sprinklers, funnels and even a blow up water sprinkling dinosaur on offer and we saw some amazing tradesmen/ tradeswoman in the making. Children learn by actively exploring objects around them. Water play is a great opportunity for us to explore the properties of water, engage in imaginative play and it's also a great way for us to learn about cause and effect. We can also learn concepts such as wet and dry, full and empty, and big and small, soft and hard. 

Water play is a great way to explore because it provides an open-ended experience and brings huge smiles to our tamariki when all of us staff are involved too, we just love it!