Reinventing the Carpentry Table


This month saw some exciting outdoor activity amongst the pre-schoolers.  We resurrected our carpentry equipment and went to work hammering, building, and creating some magical structures.  Luckily, the weather was warm and the tamariki enjoyed the early Spring sunshine, for such a fun activity!

Carpentry offers tamariki an opportunity to persevere on a task that requires physical strength, problem solving and hand-eye coordination.  The children demonstrated very good patience and listening skills.  Using two hands on the handle of the hammer, the teachers suggested standing up and over the hammer when nailing the wood together, for a safer stance and more strength from their body.  The children were supported by their teachers throughout.   

Carpentry is an amazing way for children to communicate with each other, whilst exploring various ways to be creative and expressive.  Confidence and control in their bodies Mana aoturoa.

The children were able to paint their creations once they had completed building them.  This expression of artistry is very 3 dimensional and mathematical and also expands the imagination of young minds.

We soon realised we needed more wood and equipment to really move our carpentry activities from great to amazing!  The significance of this curriculum area is so valuable to children’s learning and development. Watch this space….