Reuniting baby bird Pine-cone with his mum


We have an amazing outdoor area for our children to explore here at BestStart Cashmere. One thing we adore is our well established trees. The trees bring many learning experiences, including learning about our natural world as we often see cicadas and spiders. This week our trees gave us a new learning expereince. A baby bird had fallen from its nest. The bird was still ok and we decided to see what we can do to help him. We started with making a special box up with tissues to make sure it was soft and warm. Then the children added items we might find in a birds nest. We learnt from the SPCA that we needed to cover the bird so that it was dark to calm him down. The children then named him Pine-cone.

After this, we learned that we should hang the box with him in it up as high as we can in the tree where we had found him fallen so his mum could find and feed him. We did this for our little Pine-cone. And within a very short time the mum was able to find him and feed him. We watched them reunite for the whole day.

What a wonderful experience for our children to explore and learn about our natural world and to learn how to care for another living being.