Rosewood Rest Home Visits BestStart Wainoni

What a pleasure it was to host a visit from our local rest home. Nga tamariki spent weeks leading up to the visit practicing some songs to perform. They chose some of their favourites which included "one little finger", "open shut them", "where is thumpkin", and "oma rapati". 

On the day, everyone was excited and performed amazingly. We spent our time singing and engaged in activities with our lovely visitors. Some of the highlights were play-doh creations and painting. Joining forces with our older generation has so many benefits for both tamariki and our elderly. 

Tamariki showed a sense of pride in singing and showing off their classroom. Our visitors could not stop smiling and they lovingly engaged in the songs by joining in with the actions. The conversations that happened during the activities were heartwarming to see and hear. We love connecting with our local community and this is something we are currently building within the centre. 

We are excited for future opportunities to come, and eagerly look forward to the relationship between us and Rosewood rest home developing into a strong bond. Our vision of 'Aroha is the heart of Wainoni' was enacted fully with this wonderful experience, showcasing our place in the local community.