Rototuna Primary School Visit


Tamariki had an exciting time visiting Rototuna Primary school. They got the opportunity to get familiar with their classroom, teachers, others in the class, toilets, lunch eating areas, playgrounds, drinking fountains and basic routines carried out in the class. The visit was very special as the classroom was laid out with different learning areas for our children to explore. 

Children moved from station to station and was actively engaged in investigating and making discoveries as they questioned and explored the world around them. They were happily engrossed with the activities for a long time. This visit allowed them the chance to witness and experience what a normal day in the classroom looks like and life at school. 

Children no longer feel nervous as the activities added an element of excitement to learning thus making the visit memorable and meaningful for them. This school visit was their first real taste of freedom and independence and experiencing this in a safe and positive environment has boosted their confidence and made them more enthusiastic about starting school. Tamariki are now infused with happy, loving and fun filled feelings and are now more prepared for school and this will make the transition smooth.